Convegno “Vaccinare in Sicurezza”: titoli del parterre dei relatori ed esiti delle analisi sui vaccini

Cari Colleghi, riteniamo opportuno informare i partecipanti e coloro che seguiranno l’evento del 25 gennaio su “Vaccinare in Sicurezza” dei titoli (riportati di seguito in inglese e in italiano) del parterre di relatori al Convegno sulla sicurezza della terapia vaccinale. Nel corso dell’evento, che sarà possibile seguire via streaming su Radio Bio ( saranno resi noti gli esiti delle analisi (Metagenomiche, Chimiche ) eseguite da Corvelva su vari lotti di 4 diverse tipologie di vaccini nonché delle certificazioni possedute dai laboratori che le hanno eseguite.

Theresa Deisher

Deisher’s career has focused on discovering and developing new therapies for grievous human illness. Dr. Deisher obtained her Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Physiology from Stanford University and has spent over 20 years in commercial biotechnology.  

Prior to founding AVM Biotechnology and Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI), she worked with leading biotechnology companies, including Genentech, Repligen, ZymoGenetics, Immunex and Amgen. AVM Biotechnology is the marquee prolife biotech company worldwide, certifying that it does not use morally illicit material in any process.  SCPI’s mission is to end human trafficking in biomedical research.

Dr.  Deisher is an inventor on 23 issued US patents, and her discoveries have led to clinical trials of FGF18 for osteoarthritis and cartilage repair, and for Factor XIII for surgical bleeding.    Dr.  Deisher was the first person to discover adult cardiac derived stem cells, and has been a champion of adult stem cell research, both professionally and privately, for two decades. Dr. Deisher was a plaintiff in the US federal lawsuit to prohibit use of federal tax payer dollars for embryo destructive research, which was instrumental in steering science towards adult stem cell research, which has led to 14 US FDA approved adult stem cell products and the Washington Post Dec 2013 headline “Scientists Go Ethical in 2013”.

La dott.ssa Deisher ha conseguito il dottorato in Fisiologia molecolare e cellulare presso la Stanford University e ha trascorso oltre 19 anni in attività commerciali in biotecnologia, collaborando con aziende come Genentech, Repligen, ZymoGenetics, Immunex e Amgen, prima di fondare nel 2008 AVM Biotechnology (azienda biotech dedicata alla ricerca di terapie umane sicure, efficaci, accessibili ed etiche sulla medicina rigenerativa e le vaccinazioni) e l’Istituto farmaceutico Sound Choice. Detiene 23 brevetti statunitensi e le sue scoperte hanno portato a studi clinici sull’FGF18 per l’osteoartrite e la riparazione della cartilagine e sul fattore XIII per il sanguinamento chirurgico.

Issues Law Med.
 2016 Fall;31(2):221-234.

Insertional mutagenesis and autoimmunity induced disease caused by human fetal and retroviral residual toxins in vaccines.

Jarzyna P1Doan NV1Deisher TA1.

Issues Law Med. 2015 Spring;30(1):47-70.

Epidemiologic and Molecular Relationship Between Vaccine Manufacture and Autism Spectrum Disorder Prevalence.

Deisher TADoan NVKoyama KBwabye S.

Issues Law Med. 2015 Spring;30(1):25-46.

Sociological Environmental Causes are Insufficient to Explain Autism Changepoints of Incidence.

Deisher TADoan NV.

Effects of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor on bone marrow-derived progenitor cells in murine cardiac transplantation.

Rezai N, Deisher TA, Heine HL, Wang X, Corbel SY, Leung J, Kerjner A, Rossi FM, Podor TJ, McManus BM.

Cardiovasc Pathol. 2010 Jan-Feb;19(1):36-47.

Neutralizing anti-4-1BBL treatment improves cardiac function in viral myocarditis.

Cheung CT, Deisher TA, Luo H, Yanagawa B, Bonigut S, Samra A, Zhao H, Walker EK, McManus BM.

Lab Invest. 2007 Jul;87(7):651-61.

Cardiac-derived stem cells.

Deisher TA.

IDrugs. 2000 Jun;3(6):649-53.

Affymetrix oligonucleotide analysis of gene expression in the injured heart.

Yanagawa B, Taylor L, Deisher TA, Ng R, Schreiner GF, Triche TJ, Yang D, McManus BM.

Methods Mol Med. 2005;112:305-20.

Jacob Puliyel MD MRCP MPhil is a Pediatrician who trained and worked in India and the UK.

His MPhil is in Health Systems Management and his dissertation was on vaccine economics. He is an expert on childhood vaccines. He was a member of the National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI) of the Government of India for many years. He is a vocal advocate for vaccine safety and for cost-benefit analyses of immunization programmes and he has authored of several papers in leading scientific journals on this subject. Most recently, he has been Principal Investigator of a large multi-centre Indian Council of Medical Research study of hepatitis B vaccine efficacy. He has been a PhD examiner for the Jawaharlal Nehru University. He is currently Head of the Department of Pediatrics St Stephens Hospital, Post graduate examiner for the National Board of Examination, and in charge of the Fellowship in Neonatology of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics at St Stephens Hospital. 

Jacob Puliyel MD MRCP MPhil è un pediatra che ha studiato e lavorato in India e nel Regno Unito.

Il suo MPhil è in Health Systems Management e la sua tesi era sull’economia dei vaccini. È un esperto di vaccini per l’infanzia. È stato per molti anni membro del National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI) del governo indiano. È un sostenitore per la sicurezza dei vaccini e per analisi costi-benefici dei programmi di immunizzazione ed è autore di numerosi articoli su importanti riviste scientifiche su questo argomento. Più recentemente, è stato Principal Investigator di un ampio studio multicentrico dell’Indian Council of Medical Research sull’efficacia del vaccino contro l’epatite B. È stato esaminatore di dottorato per la Jawaharlal Nehru University. Attualmente è a capo del dipartimento di pediatria St Stephens Hospital, esaminatore post-laurea per il National Board of Examination e responsabile della Fellowship in Neonatology dell’Accademia indiana di pediatria all’ospedale St Stephens.

Correlation between Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis Rates with Pulse Polio Frequency in India.Dhiman R, Prakash SC, Sreenivas V, Puliyel J. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018 Aug 15;15(8). pii: E1755.

Revised World Health Organization (WHO)’s causality assessment of adverse events following immunization-a critique.Puliyel J, Naik P. Version 2. F1000Res. 2018 Feb 28 [revised 2018 Jan 1];7:243.

New pentavalent rotavirus vaccine shows little efficacy against diarrhea.Kumar L, Puliyel J. Vaccine. 2018 Jun 13. pii: S0264-410X(18)30772-2.

Evaluation of the Protection Provided by Hepatitis B Vaccination in India.Puliyel J, Naik P, Puliyel A, Agarwal K, Lal V, Kansal N, Nandan D, Tripathi V, Tyagi P, Singh SK, Srivastava R, Sharma U, Sreenivas V. Indian J Pediatr. 2018 Jul;85(7):510-516.

The Reply to the letter on the cost-effectiveness of human papillomavirus in Punjab further distorts the scientific record.Suman V, Puliyel JM. Cancer. 2018 Mar 1;124(5):1085.

Cost-effectiveness calculations of human papillomavirus vaccination in Punjab may be flawed.Suman V, Puliyel JM. Cancer. 2018 Jan 1;124(1):213-214

Infanrix hexa and sudden death: a review of the periodic safety update reports submitted to the European Medicines Agency.Puliyel J, Sathyamala C. Indian J Med Ethics. 2018 Jan-Mar;3(1):43-47.

Deaths following pentavalent vaccine and the revised AEFI classification.Puliyel J, Phadke A. Indian J Med Ethics. 2017 Oct-Dec;2(4):300-301.

Heat-Stable Oral Rotavirus Vaccine.Kaur J, Puliyel J. N Engl J Med. 2017 Jul 20;377(3):302.

Inappropriately Small Sample for Studying Adverse Events Following Immunization.Goyal K, Puliyel J. Indian Pediatr. 2016 Apr;53(4):351.

116E rotavirus vaccine may have less impact in India than projected.Piple JK, Puliyel J. Vaccine. 2015 Dec 16;33(51):7142.

Intussusception risk with 116E rotavirus vaccine in Vellore, South India.Bajaj J, Puliyel JM. Vaccine. 2016 Jan 20;34(4):403.

Utility of hepatitis B vaccination in India.Kumar R, Puliyel J. Indian Pediatr. 2014 Nov;51(11):870-2.

Commentary–Controversies surrounding mercury in vaccines: autism denial as impediment to universal immunisation.Chhawchharia R, Puliyel JM. Indian J Med Ethics. 2014 Oct-Dec;11(4):218-22.

AEFI and the pentavalent vaccine: looking for a composite picture.Puliyel J. Indian J Med Ethics. 2013 Jul-Sep;10(3):142-6. 

Crepeaux Guillemette

Dr. Guillemette has PhD in Toxicology, she is now a French associate professor in the Vet school of Maisons-Alfort in physiology and pharmacology and she is part of the research team Biology of the NeuroMuscular System (BNMS) at the Institut Mondor de Recherche Biomédicale (IMRB, Inserm U955) of Créteil. 

Dr. Guillemette ha un dottorato in tossicologia, è ora professore associato francese nella scuola veterinaria di Maisons-Alfort in fisiologia e farmacologia e fa parte del gruppo di ricerca Biologia del sistema neuromuscolare (BNMS) presso l’Institut Mondor de Recherche Biomédicale (IMRB, Inserm U955) di Créteil.

Masson, J.D., Crépeaux, G., Authier, F.J., Exley, C., Gherardi, R.K. 2018. Critical analysis of reference studies on the toxicokinetics of aluminium-based adjuvants. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. 181:87-95.

Crépeaux, G., Eidi, H., David, MO., Baba-Amer, Y., Tzavara, E., Giros, B., Authier, F.J., Exley, C., Shaw, C.A., Cadusseau, J., Gherardi, R.K. 2017. Non-linear dose-response of aluminum hydroxide adjuvant particles: selective low dose neurotoxicity. Toxicology 375,48-57.

Crépeaux, G., Eidi, H., David, M.O., Giros, B., Exley, C., Curmi, P.A., Shaw, C.A., Gherardi, R.K., Cadusseau, J. 2015. Highly delayed systemic translocation of aluminium-based adjuvant in CD1 mice following intramuscular injections. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 152, 199–205.

Eidi, H., David, M.O., Crépeaux, G., Henry, L., Joshi, V., Berger, M.H., Sennour, M., Cadusseau, J., Gherardi, R.K., Curmi, P. 2015. Fluorescent nanodiamonds as a relevant tag for the assessment of alum adjuvant particle biodisposition. BMC Medicine 13(1):144.

Gherardi, R.K., Eidi, H., Crépeaux, G., Authier, F.J., Cadusseau, J. 2015. Biopersistence and brain translocation of aluminum adjuvants of vaccines. Frontiers in neurology, 6:4.

Anthony Mawson

Anthony R. Mawson, MA, DrPH is a Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Jackson State University, Jackson, Mississippi, USA. He studied at McGill University, the University of Essex, the London School of Economics and Political Science, and Tulane University School of Public Health (obtaining MPH and DrPH degrees in epidemiology). He is an interdisciplinary epidemiologist with an earlier academic career in sociology and criminology. Dr. Mawson was previously the first Principal Investigator of the National Children’s Study for Mississippi, based at University of Mississippi Medical Center, and PI of the NIH-funded Center of Excellence in Minority Health at Jackson State University.  He is also President of Chalfont LLC, a start-up medical research and development company, in Jackson, MS, and the holder of two U.S. patents related to the diagnosis of pregnancy-related disorders and the treatment of pressure and diabetic ulcers. His main research interests include the evaluation of public health interventions, understanding the health profile of people of West-Central African descent, the role of psychosocial factors in overall health, infectious disease epidemiology, and the role of retinoids (vitamin A and its congeners) in health and disease. Recently funded work has included investigator-initiated research supported by Pfizer, on the role of retinoids in onchocerciasis (“river blindness”), in collaboration with the Tanzanian National Institute for Medical Research, and a comparative study on the health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated homeschool children, funded by the Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute. 

Anthony R. Mawson, MA, DrPH è un professore nel Dipartimento di Epidemiologia e Biostatistica, Scuola di sanità pubblica, Jackson State University, Jackson, Mississippi, USA. Ha studiato alla McGill University, all’Università di Essex, alla London School of Economics and Political Science e alla Tulane University School of Public Health (ottenendo la laurea in MPH e in DrF in epidemiologia). È un epidemiologo interdisciplinare con una precedente carriera accademica in sociologia e criminologia. Il Dr. Mawson è stato in precedenza il primo investigatore principale del National Children’s Study per il Mississippi, con sede presso l’University of Mississippi Medical Center, e il PI del Centro di eccellenza finanziato dal NIH in Minority Health presso la Jackson State University. È anche presidente di Chalfont LLC, una start-up di ricerca medica e società di sviluppo, a Jackson, MS, e detentore di due brevetti statunitensi relativi alla diagnosi di disturbi legati alla gravidanza e al trattamento della pressione e delle ulcere diabetiche. I suoi principali interessi di ricerca comprendono la valutazione degli interventi di sanità pubblica, la comprensione del profilo sanitario delle persone di origine centro-occidentale, il ruolo dei fattori psicosociali nella salute generale, l’epidemiologia delle malattie infettive e il ruolo dei retinoidi (vitamina A e suoi congeneri) in salute e malattia. Il lavoro finanziato di recente ha incluso uno studio comparativo sugli esiti sanitari di vaccinati e non vaccinati bambini in età prescolare, finanziati dall’Istituto di ricerca sulla sicurezza medica per bambini.

Mawson AR, Majumdar S. Malaria, Epstein-Barr virus infection, and the pathogenesis of

Burkitt’s lymphoma. International Journal of Cancer2017. doi:10.1002/ijc.30885

Mawson AR, Ray BD, Bhuiyan AR, Jacob B. Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12-year-old U.S. children. Journal of Translational Science 2017; 3(3):1-12. doi: 10.15761/JTS.1000186

Mawson AR, Bhuiyan AZ, Jacob B, Ray BD. Preterm birth, vaccination and neurodevelopmental disorders: a cross-sectional study of vaccinated and unvaccinated children. Journal of Translational Science2017; 3(3):1-8. doi: 10.15761/JTS.1000187

Croft AM, Mawson AR. Evidence for neurotoxicity from quinoline antimalaria drugs: four personal accounts. Open Journal of Animal Sciences2017; 7:45-55.

Mawson AR, Wang X. Breastfeeding, retinoids and postpartum depression: a new theory. Journal of Affective Disorders 2013; 150:1129-1135.

Mawson AR. The pathogenesis of malaria: A new perspective. Pathogens and Global Health2013; 107(3):122-129.

Mawson AR. Retinoids in the treatment of glioma: a new perspective. Cancer Management and Research2012; 2012(4):233-241.

Mawson AR. Role of fat-soluble vitamins A and D in the pathogenesis of influenza: A new perspective. ISRN Infectious DiseasesVolume 2013 (2013), Article ID 246737, 26 pages

Mawson AR. Toward a theory of learning disorders, hyperactivity and aggression. ISRN PsychiatryVolume 2012 (2012), Article ID 589792, 19 pages

Giulio Tarro

Già Direttore del Dipartimento dei Servizi Diagnostici e Primario del Servizio di Virologia dell’A.O. “D. Cotugno” dall’1/6/73, è stato nominato Primario emerito dopo il suo pensionamento (23-11-2006). Libera docenza in Virologia. Laurea Honoris Causa in Medicina nel 1989 all’Univ. Cattolica di Albany (New York), in Immunologia nel 1991 presso l’Accad. St. Teodora di New York e in Bioetica nel 1996 presso la “The Constantinian University”, Cranston (R.I.) USA; in Scienze sociali all’ Université de Bouaké, Abidjan, Costa d’ Avorio (2010); Master of Science in Tecnologie Biomediche A.S.A.M. University Roma, 2008. Assistant Professor dal 1968 al 1969 all’University of Cincinnati Ohio (USA). Professore ufficiale di Virologia Oncologica dal 1971/72 a1 31/10/85 presso la I Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Univ. di Napoli. Dal gennaio 2007 e’ Presidente della Commissione sulle Biotecnologie della Virosfera, WABT UNESCO, Parigi.

Former Director of the Department of Diagnostic Services and Primary of the Virology Service of the O. “D. Cotugno “from 1/6/73, he was nominated Primary emeritus after his retirement (23-11-2006). Free teaching in Virology. Honorary degree in Medicine in 1989 at the Univ. Cattolica of Albany (New York), in Immunology in 1991 at the Accad. St. Theodora of New York and in Bioethics in 1996 at “The Constantinian University”, Cranston (R.I.) USA; in Social Sciences at the Université de Bouaké, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire (2010); Master of Science in Biomedical Technologies A.S.A.M. University of Rome, 2008. Assistant Professor from 1968 to 1969 at the University of Cincinnati Ohio (USA). Official Professor of Oncological Virology from 1971/72 to 31/10/85 at the I Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. Of Naples. Since January 2007 he is President of the Commission on Virosphere Biotechnologies, WABT UNESCO, Paris. 

Consideration on Epidemic Flu Viruses. (Int. J. Clin. Invest., 29 (1-2): 2009. Preface to lose weight without misteries will the Progressive Swing Diet by Michele D’ Antoni, iUniverse, Inc. New York Bloomington 2009.

Not any longer sick children: prevention of viral diseases in pregnancy. WABT Congress, Budapest   Dec 10-12, 2010 –

Book for Life Foundation. Giulio Tarro U.S. National Library of Medicine –  National Institute of Health – National Center for Biotechnology Information, Pub Med EN/IT.  Chiron, Settembre 2010.

Emerging Viral Agent at Risk in Global Health Approciates to Early Diagnosis and Prompt Therapy, con C. Esposito. BIOCOMP 11: July 18-21, 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada (USA) CS REA Press.

Origin of the Viruses and Their Evolutionary History. Adv. Studies in Biol. Vol. 5, 423-430, 2013. Viral Latency, Molecular Pathogenesis and Malignancy, in press.   TLP Sequenced and Studied for its Functions with Targets Diagnostic and Therapeutic, G. Tarro.

L’epidemia da virus Ebola. , 27 agosto 2014.

Micoplasmi e micoplasmosi: 20 anni dopo, G. Tarro, P. Altucci. Estratto da Il Policlinico – sez. Pratica, vol. 121 – N. 9, Settembre 2014, pagg. 229-245.

Ruolo dell’Etio-patogenesi in Medicina Interna. P. Altucci e G. Tarro. Policlinico Sez. Med. 2014; 121: 61-81, doi. 107353/polimed.2014.121.

Migratory Phenomenons, Biothics and Vaccinations Advances in Microbiology (accepted Sept 2015) in cod 8 I. F. = 0,94. Bergamot (Citrus bergamia Risso and Poitean) Essential Oil,. Peel and Juice: a Review of Antimicrobiol, Anti-inflemmatory and other Medicinal Properties with Paolo Morabito et al. Clin. Microb. Rev. (accepted Sept 2015) in c.d.p. I.F. = 17. Lights and shadows of vaccinations. J of Vaccine Research and Development in c.d.p. Exegesis of Sabin poliovaccine in terms of medical science. J of Vaccine Research and Development in press.

Le ombre dell’immunoprofilassi. Bollettino Ordine M.C. e O. Napoli, anno 85 n. 7 pagg. 12-13, dicembre 2015. Anti-Rhinovirus Activity of Ethyl1 4-(3-(2-(3-Methylisoxazol-5-Y1) Etthoxy) Propoxy) Benzoate (EMEB). Pharma Anal Acta 2016, 7:469. Doi: 10.4172/2153-2435.1000469.

Andrea Del Buono

Medico Chirurgo, Specialista in Medicina Preventiva dei Lavoratori e Psicotecnica- Perfezionato in Fisiopatologia e Allergologia Respiratoria. Esperto in Nutrigenomica e Farmacogenomica. Fin dai primi anni della sua attività di Clinico si è interessato specificamente di Tossicologia Industriale per la gestione del rischio chimico, biologico e fisico (radiazioni), nell’ambito ambientale ed occupazionale. Attualmente si dedica allo studio della relazione ambiente, inquinamento e immunologia del GALT, in particolare sull’orientamento Th1-Th2 per il controllo e modulazione delle malattie allergiche. Attualmente ricopre la carica di Vicepresidente della Fondazione DD Clinic Research Insitute.

Physician Surgeon, Specialist in Preventive Medicine of Workers and Psycho-technical – Specialized in Pathophysiology and Respiratory Allergy. Expert in Nutrigenomics and Pharmacogenomics. From the early years of his activity as clinician he was specifically interested in Industrial Toxicology for the management of chemical, biological and physical (radiation) risk, in the environmental and occupational field. Currently he is dedicated to the study of the environmental, pollution and immunology relationship of GALT, in particular the Th1-Th2 orientation for the control and modulation of allergic diseases. He currently holds the position of Vice President of the DD Clinic Research Institute Foundation.

Armando D’Orta

Medico-Chirurgo, Biologo Nutrizionista , specialista in Scienze dell’Alimentazione. Da molti anni studia la relazione tra alimentazione, cancro e sarcopenia. Allenatore e Insegnante Tecnico di Pesistica e Cultura Fisica. Da alcuni anni studia le applicazioni cliniche di un nuovo metodo di analisi delle mutazioni somatiche, conosciuto genericamente come cell-free DNA (cfDNA), più specificamente il DNA tumorale circolante (ctDNA), contenuto in un campione di sangue periferico al fine di affiancare migliorare significativamente il sistema attuale della diagnosi e monitoraggio della terapia oncologica.

Physician-Surgeon, Nutritionist Biologist, specialist in Food Sciences. He has been studying the relationship between diet, cancer and sarcopenia for many years. Trainer and Technical Teacher of Weightlifting and Physical Culture. For some years he has been studying the clinical applications of a new method of analyzing somatic mutations, known generically as cell-free DNA (cfDNA), more specifically the circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), contained in a peripheral blood sample in order to support significantly the current system of diagnosis and monitoring of cancer therapy.

Raffaele Di Francia

Ricercatore, Biologo specialista in Patologia Clinica. Da molti anni si occupa di test di Farmaco-Genomica.

Researcher, Biologist specialist in Clinical Pathology. For many years he has been dealing with Pharmaco-Genomics tests.